Coming Back

Walking away from writing this blog has been weighing on my mind lately. I love to write, it has been a source of self care for me for quite some time. I stepped away from writing because of time. I have a career I love, but it does take a lot of my time. Although I don’t write, I do other things for self care. But writing is so therapeutic for me. It has been something I’ve missed recently.

I preach to my coworkers to take care of themselves, but I am not taking my own advice. I am in the social worker career path and it takes a lot out of a person, emotionally and physically. I am with my clients more than I am with my own family, some times. I love the job I do and I would not change it for the world! But, if a person in my field does not take care of themselves, the burn out is a possibility.

Writing is self care for me. I get to share my thoughts with myself, and my readers. I believe I have a lot to share with those out there. I was late in the game, starting a career I love in my late 30’s, I spent my 20s and 30s taking care of my husband, and then my children. While being a stay at home mother, I worked and got both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees. I knew I would start the job force after my husband retired from the Navy. I was alright with waiting to start my career once we retired to our Forever Home. I was lucky and found my dream career shortly after moving to Nebraska. But, I think since I was so late to the game, I feel as though I have to put all of myself into my career.

My children are grown and don’t need a mother hen anymore. They need to learn to take care of themselves, although my husband is home with them in the evenings. I feel like I gave so much of myself to my family for all those years, that it is my turn to do what I love. But, it has meant I don’t see my youngest son for a few days. He doesn’t complain and I try to call him before he goes to bed. Please, don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining, just explaining.

I love doing for others, I wouldn’t be in this field if I didn’t. I enjoy helping my coworkers, giving them much needed breaks. I can’t wait to see my clients and see how I can help them!! My career (and my family) is why I wake up in the morning. I cannot wait to go to work everyday. But, one thing I don’t do a good job at is taking care of myself. I have gotten better at saying no when I need a break. This summer, my family has planned two trips. I also have a trip in September planned. I am trying to do better at taking care of me. This is why I decided to come back and write again.

Thanks for Reading,
House Wife with Degree

One thought on “Coming Back

  1. Spot on! Everyone needs to take care of themselves to also be able to take care of others. I have a hard time saying no as well.

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